Pet Arthroscopy

Pet Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy involves looking inside a joint with a small scope (ie camera) to evaluate the interior of a joint and, in many cases, treat any problems inside the joint. Arthroscopy is, therefore, a far more advanced alternative to arthrotomy, which is when the surgeon incises/cuts the joint open using a scalpel blade, looks inside the joint with his/her naked eye, and performs treatment inside the joint (ie open joint surgery). Arthroscopy has been definitively shown to be less invasive, less painful, result in more rapid recovery, and most importantly, provide superior visualization when compared to arthrotomy. Dr. Franklin is a Founding Fellow in Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Surgery, having helped develop and advance this field of surgery in dogs, and is exceptionally experienced in arthroscopy of the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Please contact us if you seek arthroscopic surgery of any of these joints for your dog (or cat).
Veterinary Services
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Kansas City Canine Orthopedics. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.